City of Ely Bowls Club

Welcome to The City of Ely Bowls Club website. We hope you enjoy the content of our site and find it useful and informative.
If this is your first visit you will be able to find details on all aspects of the club.
If you are not already a member you might like to look at the 'About' section which will give you a brief overview of the club and it's history.
In the 'Membership' section you will be able to find details about how to join the club. You will also find information relating to beginner's classes if you've never bowled before.
If you are a member and want to find details of your league teams position go to the 'League Tables' section. Here you'll find all of the leagues listed together with current positions.
If you need to contact the club with a question or have any comments or suggestions got to 'Contact' and we'll get back to you with an answer straightaway.